In 2007 NASA thought it best that I spend three months in Koeln, Germany to assist ESA in becoming a full member of the International Space Station. That was a big mistake. I fell in love with this city and three years later recieved the opportunity to come and work for ESA full-time! Here I will log the trials and triumphs of an ex-pat in Germany. Enjoy!

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Night Full of Men?

After hiking all day in Koblenz, I came home looking for a hot shower and a warm bed. The hot shower took a little longer than normal and I had just slipped into my pajamas when there was a knock on my door. It was Bjorn. He had been partying with some of his roommates and now they were heading out to a club. However, this wasn't just any club, this was a gay club. Bjorn did not want to be "one of the boys" that night so was asking me to join him. Even though I was tired, the idea of going to my first gay club was hard to pass up. Bjorn waited downstairs while I threw on some clothes and we headed out.

Conveniently enough, there is a Kiosk right next to my apartment. We made a quick stop where Bjorn introduced me to Jack and Coke in a can! Jack Daniels perfectly mixed with Coke in a convenient individual package. I was in heaven! What made it more sweet was the fact that we could walk down the street with our open containers and no worries about the non-existent drinking laws.

We made our way to the center of town where we waited in a short line to travel down stairs to find a large basement turned into a giant disco. I have to admit I was a little taken aback by all the guys dancing better than I could. But they were all very welcoming to have a girl on the floor. The music was awesome. They played it all, including the YMCA, which no one really appreciated. My favorite parts about it? We had to send Bjorn for drinks because he was the one the bartender fancied, and there was no line for the girls room! I did have to wait for a guy to leave, but I had been in his shoes before and so didn't mind.

Dawn was approaching and it was time to get home. Bjorn got away from us once, but after a few minutes we were able to find him in an alley and drag him home. It gave me time to talk to Bjorn's roommates some more. They invited me over for brunch the next morning, but that is when I remembered I was supposed to be going to Luxembourg the next day. I thanked them for the invitation and asked for a rain check before scurrying off to bed so I could get some rest before the drive to another country.

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